青年期の友人関係における主観的幸福感, ソーシャル・スキルおよび対人相互作用の質との関連 <研究論文>

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Title ( jpn )
青年期の友人関係における主観的幸福感, ソーシャル・スキルおよび対人相互作用の質との関連 <研究論文>
Title ( eng )
The relation among subjective well-being, social skills and quality of interpersonal interaction in adolescent friendships
Tokunaga Misako
Source Title
Bulletin of training and research center for clinical psychology
Volume 9
Start Page 80
End Page 90
The aim of this research was to examine the following relationships in adolescent friendships: social skills (assertive skills and responsive skills), quality of interpersonal interaction (closeness, enjoyment, responsiveness, influence, and confidence), and subjective well-being. The results of the analysis revealed that for people with higher responsive skills and lower responsiveness, the lower the assertive skills, the higher the subjective well-being. By contrast, for people with higher assertive skills and responsive skills, the higher the subjective well-being, the higher the responsiveness of the subjects. In this study, only responsiveness out of the quality in interpersonal interaction was found to affect social skills and subjective well-being, and did not support the hypothesis of being part of all the five qualities of interpersonal interactions.
subjective well-being
social skill
quality of interpersonal interaction
Psychology [ 140 ]
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Date of Issued 2011-03-20
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[NCID] AA11849207