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Title ( jpn ) |
Title ( eng ) |
Psychopharmacological Study of Thinner Addiction
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Abstract |
1. 約0.7%のトルエン蒸気を15分間吸入させると,セロトニン症候群に属する振戦,首振り運動,後肢外転位がラットの半数以上に認められた。このセロトニン症候群の出現頻度は,トルエンを14日間反復吸入させても変化せず,耐性は認められなかった。 2. オープン・フィールド試験において,トルエン1回および反復吸入のいずれも吸入60分後まで移所行動が有意に増加した。また,Animexを用いて測定した自発運動量も吸入60分後まで有意に増加していた。このことから,トルエンは吸入後60分間程度まで行動に影響を及ぼすことが示された。 3. 全脳(小脳を除く)におけるセロトニン受容体最大結合数はトルエン反復吸入により有意に減少した。部位別に検討すると,海馬と橋+延髄で特異的セロトニン結合が有意に減少していた。 4. 脳内セロトニン取り込み値はトルエン吸入によって影響されず,反復吸入による脳内セロトニン受容体数の減少はセロトニン再取り込み以外の薬理機構によることが推測された。 5. トルエン1.0g/kgをラットに経口授与すると体温は約0.6℃上昇したが,その体温上昇はセロトニン受容体拮抗薬であるサイプロヘブタジンで有意に抑制された。 6. 脳内ドーパミン機能の指標としての自発運動量がトルエン吸入により増加し,また反復吸入により脳内ドーパミン量が有意に増加したことから,トルエンはドーパミン作働性ニューロンに対しても何らかの作用を有することが示された。 7. 以上の行動薬理学的および神経化学的実験結果から,トルエンは脳内モノアミンとくにセロトニン作働性ニューロンに影響を及ぼすことが示された。トルエンのセロトニン作働性ニューロンに対する作用はLSDなどの幻覚剤と共通した点が多く,シンナーによる精神異常現象が中枢セロトニン機能と密接に関係していることが示唆された。 It is reported that thinner inhalation (glue sniffng) produces in human several psychotomimetic effects similar to those described for LSD and other hallucinogens. However, its pharmacological mechanism is not well known.
In the present study, the following results were obtained from the behavioral and neurochemical experiments of toluene (a major component of thinner) inhaled rats. 1. Three components of "serotonin syndrome" ; tremor, head weaving and hindlimb abduction were observed in more than half of toluene (0.7 0n air for 15min) inhaled rats. Repeated toluene inhalation showed the same incidence of "serotonin syndrome" as that of single toluene inhalation. Thus, the tolerance was not observed in toluene inhalation. 2. In the open field test, ambulation was significantly increased for 60 min after single and repeated toluene inhalation. Locomotor activity measured by Animex was also significantly increased for 60 min after toluene inhalation. These results suggeseted that toluene inhalation affected animal behavior for approximately 60min. 3. The maximum number of serotonin receptor binding in whole brain (except cerebellum) was significantly decreased by repeated toluene inhalation. In the brain regional study, specific [3H]-5HT (4nM) binding was significantly decreased in hippocampus and pons + medulla oblongata. 4. Brain serotonin uptake was not affected by toluene inhalation. Other pharmacological mechanism except serotonin uptake was related to the down regulation of serotonin receptor induced by repeated toluene inhalation. 5. The administration of toluene (1.0 g/kg, p. o.) increased the rectal temperature approximately 0.6℃. This hyperthermia was significantly blocked by the pretreatment with cyproheptadme, a serotonin receptor antagonist. 6. Locomotor activity, which is reported to be a marker of brain dopaminergic function, was increased by toluene inhalation. Indeed, the brain dopamine level was significantly increased by repeated toluene inhalation. These results suggested that toluene had also some effects on dopaminergic function. 7. From these behavioral and neurochemical experiments, it is concluded that toluene affects brain monoaminergic neuron, especially serotonergic neuron. The effects of toluene on serotonergic neuron are nilar to those of hallucinogens such as LSD, which suggest that psychotomimetic symptoms induced by thinner is related to the change of brain serotoninergic function. |
Descriptions |
広島大学医学雑誌, 33(2), 423-432, 昭60-4月(1985)
Medical sciences [ 490 ]
Language |
Resource Type | doctoral thesis |
Rights |
Copyright(c) by Author
Access Rights | open access |
Dissertation Number | 乙第1351号 |
Degree Name | |
Date of Granted | 1985-07-25 |
Degree Grantors |