Renormalization group flow of SU(3) lattice gauge theory : Numerical studies in a two coupling space

Nuclear Physics B Volume 577 Issue 1-2 Page 263-278 published_at 2000-06-19
アクセス数 : 1068
ダウンロード数 : 229

今月のアクセス数 : 5
今月のダウンロード数 : 3
NuclearPhysicsB_577_263.pdf 773 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
Renormalization group flow of SU(3) lattice gauge theory : Numerical studies in a two coupling space
QCD-TARO Collaboration
Ph. de Forcrand
M. García Pérez
Hashimoto Takaaki
Hioki Shinji
Matsufuru Hideo
Miyamura Osamu
Stamatescu Ion-Olimpiu
Takaishi Tetsuya
Source Title
Nuclear Physics B
Volume 577
Issue 1-2
Start Page 263
End Page 278
We investigate the renormalization group flow of SU(3) lattice gauge theory in two coupling space with β11 of plaquette and β12 of rectangular actions. Extensive numerical calculations of the RG flow are made in the fourth quadrant of the coupling space, i.e., β11 > 0 and β12 < 0. Swendsen's factor 2 blocking and Schwinger-Dyson method are used to find an effective action for the blocked gauge field. Resultant renormalization group flow runs quickly towards an attractive stream which has approximate line shape. This is a numerical evidence of the renormalized trajectory which locates close to the two coupling space. A model flow equation which incorporates a marginal coupling (asymptotic scaling term), an irrelevant coupling and a nonperturbative attraction toward strong coupling limit reproduces qualitatively the observed feature. We further examine scaling property of an action which is closer to the attractive stream than the currently used improved actions. It is found that the action shows excellent restoration of rotational symmetry even for coarse lattices with o ~ 0.4 fm.
SU(3) lattice gauge theory
Renormalization group flow
Improved action
Resource Type journal article
Date of Issued 2000-06-19
Copyright (c) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
Publish Type Author’s Original
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 0550-3213
[DOI] 10.1016/S0550-3213(00)00145-0
[NCID] AA00760043