Measurement of the B+ and B0 Lifetimes Using Topological Reconstruction of Inclusive and Semileptonic Decays

Physical Review Letters Volume 79 Issue 4 Page 590-596 published_at 1997-07-28
アクセス数 : 713
ダウンロード数 : 158

今月のアクセス数 : 10
今月のダウンロード数 : 2
PhysRevLett_79_590.pdf 269 KB 種類 : fulltext
Title ( eng )
Measurement of the B+ and B0 Lifetimes Using Topological Reconstruction of Inclusive and Semileptonic Decays
The SLD Collaboration
Source Title
Physical Review Letters
Volume 79
Issue 4
Start Page 590
End Page 596
The lifetimes of B+ and B0 mesons are measured using a sample of 150 000 hadronic Z0 decays collected by the SLD experiment at the SLAC Linear Collider between 1993 and 1995. Two analyses are presented in which the decay length and charge of the B meson are reconstructed. The first method uses a novel topological vertexing technique while the second uses semi-inclusively reconstructed semileptonic decays. The topological analysis yields a sample of 6033 (3665) charged (neutral) vertices with good charge purity, whereas the semileptonic analysis yields a smaller sample of 634 (584) charged (neutral) decays with excellent charge purity. Combining the results from both analyses, we find τB+ = 1.66±0.06(stat)±0.05(syst) ps, τB0 = 1.64±0.08(stat)±0.08(syst) ps, and τB+/τB0 = 1.01±0.07(stat)±0.06(syst).
Resource Type journal article
American Physical Society
Date of Issued 1997-07-28
Copyright (c) 1997 American Physical Society.
Publish Type Version of Record
Access Rights open access
Source Identifier
[ISSN] 0031-9007
[DOI] 10.1103/PhysRevLett.79.590
[NCID] AA00773679