ジャカルタ暴動の都市社会構造 : 都市社会研究への試論

地誌研年報 10 号 87-101 頁 2001-03 発行
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ANREG_10_87.pdf 1.11 MB 種類 : 全文
タイトル ( jpn )
ジャカルタ暴動の都市社会構造 : 都市社会研究への試論
タイトル ( eng )
Preliminary Study for Social Structural Analysis of Jakarta May Riot
澤 滋久
Annual Report of Research Center for Regional Geography
開始ページ 87
終了ページ 101
One of the most hopeful Asian miracles suddenly collapsed at May 1998, because of vulnerable balance of development between local society and global economy. In Indonesian local context, the globalization, which means the deregulation from authoritarian regime and the integration into global market, made local system suffer monetary crisis. The labor intensified industrialization caused the demolish of old authoritarian politics, however local community's patron-client structure and ""informal economy"" was maintained in the urban poor kampung society. Not only this structure, much factor of Indonesian background of urban growth would have relation with the Jakarta Riot. The traditions of geographic social analysis which contains urban social issue such as the ethnic segregation, the gentrification, the postmodern politics, etc. are based on western society, not on Asian and developing societies. So that in this study, I intensify the description of local affairs, rather than theoretical approach of social studies. The background topics on Jakarta May Riot in 1998 that are presented here is as follows; - Historical urban development of Jakarta, dividing in 3 phases, 1. Jakarta as colonial center, 2. Urban problems as developing world city and 3. Asian miracles of global era, - Ethno-political situation of Jakarta, especially on myths of Chinese Indonesians, - Controversy of informal based old ""local democratic"" system and new ""global democratic"" economy, and - ""Gentrification"" in urban development issue based on non-western local grassroots politics The most of the theoretical analysis in social study has their roots in western historical development, so that if we discuss the construction of social theory of Jakarta urbanism, so much difficulties of complexity would be pointed out. We would easily imagine that we could adopt only the descriptive way, like regional study of geography, in this stage of this study.
地理・地誌・紀行 [ 290 ]
資源タイプ 紀要論文
発行日 2001-03
出版タイプ Version of Record(出版社版。早期公開を含む)
アクセス権 オープンアクセス
[ISSN] 0915-5449
[NCID] AN10199141