7 巻
1 号
2001-01 発行
ISSN : 1341-0903
発行元 : 広島大学大学院国際協力研究科
Formation process of Malaysian modern architecture under influence of nationalism
宇高 雄志 山崎 大智
PP. 1 - 17
Politics of the slips of the tongue of the ministers
PP. 19 - 35
A sacred dance transmitted in the ritual for paying homage to one's teacher in Thailand
岩澤 孝子
PP. 37 - 58
Observation of sand particles in shear zone using digital image analysis
山本 春行 山本 達史 徐 挺 冨永 晃司
PP. 77 - 89
The factors of the gaps in primary education between the South and the North in Ghana
宮川 めぐみ
PP. 91 - 105
An Overview on the address terms in Japanese and Korean
林 炫情
PP. 107 - 121