14 巻
1 号
2008-03-31 発行
ISSN : 1341-0903
発行元 : 広島大学大学院国際協力研究科
Dadun Bonan gə developed from the numeral "One" <Article>
PP. 27 - 44
Maharjan Pancha N. Maharjan Keshav Lall
PP. 67 - 101
A study on the impact of the introduction of Free Primary Education : With a focus on the abolition of PTA fees influencing the partnership between local communities and schools in Zambia <Research Notes>
松原 憲治
PP. 103 - 112
A study on Current Situation and Issues of Programme-type Educational Development in Africa : Using a case of formulation and implementation of Ministry of Education Strategic Plan in Zambia <Research Notes>
中村 聡
PP. 113 - 125