3 号
2015-03-31 発行
ISSN : 2187-6800
発行元 : 初等教育カリキュラム学会
Request for Teacher Training of Practical Teaching Skills in Inclusive Homemaking Class <Research Article>
PP. 3 - 11
Global Perspectives and Intercultural Competence in Elementary School Teacher Education : A Comparative Study of Finland and Japan <Research Article>
植松 希世子 永田 忠道
PP. 13 - 22
Reconsideration of the Learning Process in Singing : In Reference to the Field Survey of Tsuangmo Singing in Bhutan <Research Article>
権藤 敦子 伊野 義博 黒田 清子 Wangchuk Pema
PP. 23 - 35
Way of Succeeding the Outcome of “Independent Reading" : The Consideration of Result and the Problem <Research Article>
中村 暢
PP. 37 - 48
The Possibility of Developing the “Image-Folklor” to the Language Arts : A Practical Lesson of Haiku by ‘Pedagogical Association for Children’s Linguistic Ecology' as an Example <Research Article>
秦 恭子
PP. 49 - 60
A Study of Collaborative Learning Support with Parents on Home Economics in Elementary school : A Case of Nutrition Education Using Supporting Tools <Research Article>
山本 奈美 伊藤 圭子 山口 哲史 石田 浩子
PP. 61 - 67
The Potential of“Exhibition of Performance”in Schools : A Trial Use of Performance Videos Utilizing Augmented Reality(AR) <Practical Research>
加藤 沙世子 明道 春奈 寺内 大輔
PP. 69 - 78
Analysis of Awareness on Movement in Rhythmic Dance : Focusing on the Movement of the Trunk Observed by Children <Practical Research>
河合 彩華 大後戸 一樹 湯浅 理枝 高田 康史
PP. 79 - 86
PP. 87 - 87
PP. 88 - 88
PP. 89 - 94