学校教育実践学研究 Volume 12
published_at 2006-03-20

臨床的指導力育成のための初等教育教員養成カリキュラムの開発に関する研究 : 広島大学における「特色ある教育実習プログラム」提案を受けて

A Study of Developing Elementary School Teacher Training Curriculum for Fostering Competence in Using both of Theoretical and Practical Knowledge
Kohyama Takaya
Mizobe Kazushige
Kobayashi Hideyuki
703 KB
The purpose of present study was to make a proposition of elementary school teacher training curriculum for fostering competence in using both of theoretical and practical knowledge. First we clarified the problems of our current elementary school teacher training curriculum. Secondly, we suggested concrete plans for improving the current curriculum. Finally, we indicated the forward-looking issues on the curriculum implementation.