27 巻
2021-03-19 発行
ISSN : 1341-111X
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属教育実践総合センター
Using of the 3D scanning application for morphological observations in biology class
PP. 9 - 16
A learning program to promote understanding of the spatial arrangement of strata: A preliminary study of the use of learning materials at different spatial scales
山崎 博史 江川 宣 久森 洸希 吉冨 健一
PP. 17 - 24
Concept-based teaching and learning for reconstructing the meaning of peace: a practice of integrated study in Hiroshima Global Academy
草原 和博 守谷 富士彦 小栗 優貴 鈩 悠介 宅島 大尭 両角 遼平 小野 創太 久保 美奈 奥村 尚 孫 玉珂 高松 尚平 玉井 慎也 真崎 将弥 渡邉 竜平
PP. 25 - 38
Analysis for the units of regional geography on UK’s geography textbook: The case study of “Geog 4th edition”
由井 義通 阪上 弘彬 村田 翔 横川 知司 潘 意涵 陶 子 岩佐 佳哉 藤村 大智 頼富 収吾 原田 歩 藤岡 柚衣 劉 暁一 耿 静文 沈 彧磬 奥村 尚 玉井 慎也 真崎 将弥 渡邉 竜平 鄧 竹珂 安藤 瑛啓 村田 一朗 王 莹
PP. 39 - 47
How did Japanese teachers deal with COVID-19 in their lessons?: The case studies of two teachers
川口 広美 大坂 遊 金 鍾成 高松 尚平 村田 一朗 行壽 浩司 佐藤 甲斐
PP. 49 - 56
Developing high school world history units focusing on “the liquidity of culture”: A case of European and American culture in 19 century
金 鍾成 山本 祐輔
PP. 57 - 64
How can ‘Social Justice-oriented Health and Physical Education’ Contribute to the Problem of "Disparities" among Children?
岩田 昌太郎 大城 穂乃香 磯村 美菜子 松本 ミユ 村上 遥菜 敖敦 其其格 濱本 想子
PP. 65 - 73
The Research on the Effects of the Development of Competencies of Teacher Training Program through Clinical Education Practicum; the comparison by PAC analysis of graduates from master’s program.
劉 一杰 エリクソン ユキコ 栗原 慎二
PP. 75 - 82
Cross-curricular Class in the Teacher Training Course: Discussing the Diversity of Beauty and Its Relationship with Goodness
PP. 83 - 92
Practicing active learning teacher training to develop “Teachers as Continuous Learners”: A study on the case of self-paticipation training
PP. 93 - 99
A Case Study of Cross-Curricular Cooperation in an Elementary School Teacher’s Training Course: Focusing on Moral Dimension in the Teaching of Physical Education and Music Education at Elementary Schools
PP. 101 - 111
A study of life history on the professional development of teaching: part 5: Focusing on teaching style in physical education of an elementary school teacher C
PP. 113 - 121
A study of collaboration in subject teacher education in case of a course: “Basic study of designing academic abilities and competencies in school education” at graduate school
PP. 123 - 130
PP. 131 - 138
Classroom practice of local meteorological observation: The respective attitudes of the Students of Undergraduate and Graduate Sclools
吉冨 健一 磯村 美優
PP. 139 - 144
Development of the Taiwan Citizen Concept in Senior High Schools: Focusing on a Multicultural Society
小川 佳万 小野寺 香 石井 佳奈子
PP. 145 - 152
Survey for teachers about picture book that convey the significance of class activities (1)
若松 昭彦 川原 陽子 隂 菜穂子 山本 耕祐 橋本 久美 廣田 誠 松本 浩司 横山 謙治 岸本 勝義 若松 美沙
PP. 153 - 160
Development of disaster prevention education video and teaching materials on the theme of local natural disasters: Joint research between Higashi-Hiroshima City and Hiroshima University triggered by the heavy rains in western Japan in July 2018
熊原 康博 岩佐 佳哉 村田 翔 後藤 秀昭 竹内 峻 石原 悠一郎 清田 美紀 長野 由知 東広島市危機管理課
PP. 161 - 168
A survey on the living conditions of parents who have experienced child abuse in the Philippines: towards the development of a child abuse prevention program
西垣 伸悟 栗原 愼二
PP. 169 - 175