20 巻
2014-03-21 発行
ISSN : 1341-111X
発行元 : 広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属教育実践総合センター
Correcting Inadequate Knowledge in Math by Cognitive Counseling.
田中 紗枝子 岡 直樹 宮谷 真人
PP. 1 - 9
Effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program on students' ability formation (6) : Survey results of students who participated in the programs of 2012
岡 直樹 小島 奈々恵 児玉 真樹子
PP. 11 - 18
Effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program on school children (7) : Survey results of school children and their parents who participated in the programs of 2012
児玉 真樹子 小島 奈々恵 岡 直樹
PP. 19 - 25
Comparing Niko Niko Room's educational support effects of university students, elementary students, and guardians (6) : Questionnaires from 2012
小島 奈々恵 児玉 真樹子 岡 直樹
PP. 27 - 32
Study support for an elementary school child with learning difficulties
田村 玲奈 岡 直樹
PP. 33 - 42
The Verification of Some Effects of Written Assignments on Realization of Baseline Knowledge in a General and Comprehensive Subject : From My Educational Experiences and the Statistical Analysis of Performances in the Introduction to Jurisprudence at College
PP. 43 - 52
An Analysis of Learning Activities in a Technology Education Textbook for Teachers : Learning Process Based on Contents Framework and Learning Scene to Develop Technological Literacy
谷田 親彦 濱本 健吾 小栗 健永
PP. 53 - 62
Consideration of a Field Work Training Program for Understanding of a Formation Process of Igneous Rocks and Effect on Topography
PP. 63 - 72
Making and using of two types of the simple magnifying projectors
竹下 俊治 雑賀 大輔 間賀 綾音 時澤 味佳
PP. 73 - 78
A Study on Development of Teaching Competence of Science through Trial Teaching : A Survey for Teacher Trainees
山崎 敬人 杉山 雅俊
PP. 79 - 89
The Possibility of the Curriculum Designs implemented by the Social Studies Teachers : A Case Study on the Development and Application of the History Resource Book
草原 和博 大坂 遊 瀬戸 康輝 田口 敏郎 中山 茜 西村 祥太郎 好井 基文
PP. 91 - 102
A study of performance in basketball games : focusing on games with a change in number of player
齊藤 一彦 山口 空子 津田 龍佑
PP. 103 - 108
Content analysis of motion descriptions : Focusing on the relationship between motion information and acquisition of motor skills on the gymnastics in physical education lessons
大後戸 一樹 久保 研二
PP. 109 - 114
A Study on In-Service Training for Improving the Professional Development of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary Schools
木原 成一郎 久保 研二 大後戸 一樹 岩田 昌太郎 徳永 隆治 林 俊雄 村井 潤 加登本 仁 嘉数 健悟
PP. 115 - 124
The qualitative difference and its factor in the social studies teaching plans designed by pre-service teachers : Implications for improving of the abilities of the social studies teacher
棚橋 健治 渡邉 巧 大坂 遊 草原 和博
PP. 125 - 139
A Study of the Effect of the Action Research Type Training in a Master's Course Stage : focusing on the alteration trend of knowledge and teaching skills in the health and physical education trainee
岩田 昌太郎 齊藤 一彦 前田 一篤 山木 彩加 手島 祥平 中山 泉
PP. 141 - 151
Fixation of Basic Knowledge on the Home Economics (Dietary Life) for the Students of the Department of Education for Elementary School : As Compared with Lower Secondary School Pupils
PP. 153 - 160
A Report on Overseas Teaching Practicum by Graduate Students in Elementary/Secondary Schools in the United States (Ⅶ)
小原 友行 深澤 清治 朝倉 淳 松浦 武人 松宮 奈賀子 植田 敦三 松尾 砂織 河合 彩華 明道 春奈 黒川 麻実 横山 愛 天野 航平 池田 大徳 酒井 麻未 岡田 光未 坂本 亮 吉川 修史 常安 智也 藤井 瞳 永杉 茂仁 加納 大地 若原 崇史
PP. 161 - 181
A consideration about promotion of an inclusive education system
PP. 183 - 194