学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 44 号
2016-03-24 発行

中学校における教科間連携による21世紀型学力の育成のための実践 : 英語とアートを通したグローバル教育交流を通して

Practice for the Development of 21st-Century Academic Achievement by Subject between Cooperation in Junior High School : Through the Global Educational Exchange by Means of English and Art
木坂 香織
782 KB
The aim of this study was to improve students’ communication skills. We worked with English teachers and art teachers to develop a curriculum through practice force leading to 21st century academic achievement. We targeted the teaching practice to grades seven and eight in Mihara Junior High School in Japan, and cooperated with both the Art Link in America and short-stay family as external evaluators. As a result, the students could express their impressions to people in foreign countries.