学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 Issue 44
published_at 2016-03-24

幼小中一貫校における通教科的能力を位置づけた国語科の学習開発 : 仲間とともに課題解決に向けて学習を進め,言語感覚を豊かにし,自分の生き方についても考える子どもの育成

Developing Trans-Curriculum Learning of Japanese Language Arts in a K-9 Integrated School : For Nurturing Each Student’s Language Sense and Thought about their Own Life Through Collaborative Work with Peers
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between “NOZOMI (a Japanese word meaning hope or wish) as a new subject in our school, and our developing literature units for nurturing students’ learning abilities beyond school subjects. After analyzing and interpreting literary texts, including two famous Japanese texts in textbooks for elementary Language Arts from infants’ view, the teaching objectives were determined for lessons aimed at nurturing students’ abilities to adapt to any situation. Based on the outcomes of the lessons about SWIMMY (by Leo Leoni) and THE TREE OF COURAGE (by Ryusuke Saito), the effects on students’ learning abilities were revealed. To develop “NOZOMI” related learning, it would be important to implement learning activities with the task settings following the ladders for reading development so much.