Journal of contemporary India studies : space and society, Hiroshima University
Issue 1
Date of Issue:2011-03-22
current number
ISSN : 2185-8721
Publisher : The Center for Contemporary India Studies, Hiroshima University
Spatial Dynamism of the Indian Automobile Industry in the Rapid Growth Period of the 2000s <Article>
PP. 1 - 17
Industrialization and Underdevelopment Problems in a Backward Mountain State of India : Focusing on Uttarakhand State <Article>
Okahashi Hidenori Tanaka Kensaku Tiwari P.C.
PP. 27 - 36
Development and Location of Textiles Parks in India <Research Note>
PP. 47 - 58
The First Food Regime and Agricultural Trade of British India : A Consideration Based on the Collection of Institute of East Asian Economic Affairs, Yamaguchi University <Forum>
Araki Hitoshi
PP. 59 - 78