広島大学現代インド研究 : 空間と社会
2 号
2012-03-23 発行
ISSN : 2185-8721
発行元 : 広島大学現代インド研究センター
Spatial Structure and Regional Developments in Contemporary India for Advancing Research on Mega-Region <Article>
PP. 1 - 15
Spatial Dynamism of Indian Automobile Components Industry during Rapid Growth of First Decade of 2000s <Article>
PP. 17 - 33
Right to Education Act and Educational Opportunity for Disadvantaged Group and Weaker Section in India <Research Note>
牛尾 直行
PP. 63 - 74
The 2011 West Bengal Assembly Election : Factors in the Long-term Stability and Collapse of the Left Front Government <Research Note>
森 日出樹
PP. 75 - 88
Regional Incentives and the Quality of Investments of ICT Service Industries in Indian Non-Metropolitan Regions : the Experience of Dehradun, the Capital City of Uttarakhand <Research Note>
鍬塚 賢太郎
PP. 89 - 102