広島大学現代インド研究 : 空間と社会 2 号
2012-03-23 発行

インドにおける「無償義務教育に関する子どもの権利法(RTE2009)」と社会的弱者層の教育機会 <研究ノート>

Right to Education Act and Educational Opportunity for Disadvantaged Group and Weaker Section in India <Research Note>
牛尾 直行
560 KB
The new free and compulsory education system has begun from April, 2010 in India. This new education system is based on Indian Constitution 86's amendment, 2002.

In this paper, I tried to examine the details of formation and the argument about the act focusing on the educational opportunity for Disadvantaged Group and Weaker Section, and made clear which kind of character the Right to Education(RTE) in India is.

At the beginning, I rearranged the details of Indian Constitution 86's amendment, with reference to the movement which RTE added to articles of fundamental rights.

In addition, I argued the formation process and contents of RTE Act enforced in 2010, focusing on economic and administrative autonomy of private school and educational opportunity for Disadvantaged Group and Weaker Section. I also explained a point-by-point interpretation of the Act.

As a conclusion, I pointed out that educational opportunity for Disadvantaged Group and Weaker Section affected the formation of Indian Constitution 86's amendment and RTE act, and became a focal point in Indian society.
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