Journal of International education, Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, Hiroshima University


ISSN: 1342-8934
Publisher : Morito Institute of Global Higher Education, Hiroshima University
Auditory Perception of Japanese Sentences in Advanced Chinese Learners of Japanese: An Experimental Study on Sentence Structure and Working Memory Capacity
Xu Chang Yanamoto Daichi
PP. 1 - 11
Implementing and Evaluating International Japan Studies Education with ICT: A Project-based Learning Approach to Exploring Views on Education in Modern Japan through "Akai Tori"
PP. 12 - 27
Third Culture Experience in the International Exchange of International Students and High School Students: Intercultural Contact and Paradigm Shift
PP. 28 - 42
Intercultural Collaborative Learning (ICL) and Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)
PP. 43 - 58