広島大学大学院人間社会科学研究科附属特別支援教育実践センター研究紀要 Issue 20
published_at 2022-03-01

特別支援学校(聴覚障害)高等部におけるメディア・リテラシーの育成をねらいとした学習活動 : 担当教員に対する質問紙調査をもとに

Learning Activities Aimed at Fostering Media Literacy in High School for the Deaf: A Questionnaire Survey for Teachers
SAWA Takashi
AIZAWA Hiromitsu
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A questionnaire survey was conducted for teachers who held classes to foster media literacy in the high schools for the deaf. The classes were often held in a form that combines multiple subjects and areas centered on the information science, and the aim of the classes were mainly to learn the characteristics of various media, communicating in media, handling of personal information, reliability of the media. The main learning outcomes are as follows: 1) Students came to be careful about personal information protection and writing contents in the media, 2) Students came to examine the information through the media, and 3) Students came be able to understand and use the characteristics of various media. Teachers realized the significance of developing judgment, helping students to become independent and participating in society, deepening their knowledge and broadening their thinking through learning about the media. On the other hand, teachers felt difficulty to achieve learning goals in classes because of students’ language skills, to provide guidance on ethics and information morals, to foster awareness of ownership and crisis management, to provide support service regarding teaching materials, and to cooperate between schools and students’ families.
high school for the deaf
media literacy