学習システム研究 5 号
2017-03-31 発行

文の制約性が中国人中級日本語学習者の聴覚的単語認知過程に及ぼす影響 : 中日漢字の形態・音韻類似性を操作した実験的検討

Effects of sentence constraint on processing of auditorily presented words in Chinese intermediate learners of the Japanese language : An experimental study with manipulation of orthographical and phonological similarities between Chinese and Japanese Kanji characters
費 暁東
李 海鵬
1.69 MB
The current study investigated the effects of sentence contextual constraint on auditory processing of Japanese kanji words in intermediate learners of the Japanese language whose native language was Chinese. In the current experiment, the degree of contextual constraint (high vs. low) of a preceding Japanese sentence (with a blank as a placeholder for a target word) and orthographical and phonological similarities of kanji words (i.e., the target words) were manipulated as independent factors. The response time of correctly performed trials in an auditory lexical decision task using the target words was measured. Similar to a previous study in advanced learners of the Japanese language (Fei & Matsumi, 2013), the results of the current experiment demonstrated that cognitive processing of Japanese kanji words that were presented auditorily varied depending on the level of contextual constraint of the preceding Japanese sentence. However, the effects of orthographical and phonological similarities on word processing were different from those observed in advanced learners. In addition, the results in both high and low sentence constraint conditions were different from those in the study of Fei (2015) who used a single word presentation paradigm. The effects of orthographical and phonological similarities on lexical information processing of Japanese kanji words that are presented auditorily appear to be impacted by context regardless of the degree of contextual constraint.
本論文は, Theory and Research for Developing Learning Systems , Vol.3 所収の英語論文“ Effects of Sentence Constraint on Processing of Auditorily Presented Words in Chinese Intermediate Learners of the Japanese Language” pp.43-58 の日本語訳論文である。
Sentence Context
Japanese Kanji Words
Auditory Word Recognition
Chinese Intermediate Learners
Orthographical and Phonological Similarities
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