高等教育研究叢書 146 巻
2019-03-31 発行


Realities of ‘Languaging’ in Lecture Classes of College Science Programs
小川 正賢
7.47 MB
Japanese universities are struggling with governmental pressure to ‘replace instruction medium from Japanese to English.’ While a tacit belief is shared among stakeholders that Japanese college classes are taught in Japanese, a literature review revealed that few studies consider empirical data on the realities of ‘languaging’ (the ways language practices enable the instructor and her/his students to communicate one another academically) in college classes. This study aimed to uncover the realities of ‘languaging’ in college science classes to develop a new theoretical framework that is missing from directly relevant previous works, and then report on a number of preliminary case studies in college science classes guided by the framework. The core idea of the new theoretical framework is a ‘changing focus from “language” to “languaging”’ when examining the realities of language practices in academic communication within science classes. Based upon the framework, ‘languaging’ in science classes was analyzed through the theoretical lenses of: (1) instructor’s interventions (e.g., lecturing, blackboard writing, distributed materials) vs. the students’ activities (e.g., note-taking, and questioning); and (2) ‘written’ vs. ‘oral’ languaging. The case studies included are: (1) analyses of college science classes, (2) a comparative study of science professors’ experiences in their college student days and those in their current classes as instructor, (3) a historical study of science classes in an earlier higher education institution, and (4) cross-national comparative case studies on science classes.
はしがき… i
第一章 序論… 1
第二章 大学授業という言語活動に迫るアプローチ:方法論的考察… 7
第三章 現代の理学系学部での講義の教授学習言語様式:予備的調査結果から… 19
第四章 Web 調査にみる理学系教員の講義体験:学生時代と教授者時代の比較… 29
第五章 宮部金吾の植物学講義での教授学習言語様式:受講ノートの分析から… 59
第六章 教授学習言語様式の通文化的比較:二つの小規模インタビュー調査から… 77
補章 言語様式への覚醒とこだわり:自己エスノグラフィックな覚書… 93
本報告は,JSPS 科研費(挑戦的研究(萌芽):17K18672)の助成を受けた研究成果の一部である。