Issue 11
Date of Issue:1999-12-31
current number
Print ISSN : 0915-7425
Online ISSN : 2759-6494
Publisher : 日本ギリシア語ギリシア
Why Should One Not Elope ? : Greek Myth and Society <SPECIAL LECTURE>
Osada Toshihiro
PP. 1 - 11
The Ekphrasis of Human Physical Beauty in the Post-Byzantine Period : Based on the Analysis of The Oxford Version of Digenis Akritis and Other Vernacular Poems in the 16-17 th Centuries <ARTICLES>
Tachibana Takashi
PP. 12 - 28
Zu Funktionen der "determinierten" Form des albanischen Nomens im Vergleich mit dem Neugriechischen <ARTICLES>
Iura Ichiro
PP. 29 - 39
An Outline of the Modern Greek Cypriot Dialect (2) <NOTES>
Yagihashi Masao
PP. 40 - 46
V-to-C Movement and Particle Placement in Greek <NOTES>
Chikamatsu Akihiko
PP. 47 - 56
A Tentative Note on ATE (ἄτη) & ATE, The Goddess (Ἄτη) : A Brief Perspective <NOTES>
Shida Nobuo
PP. 57 - 64
The Ratio of Wine to Water : Ancient Greek Views <ESSAY>
Mizutani Tomohiro
PP. 65 - 67
Akira ODA, Γραμματική της Καινής Διαθήκης, (CD-ROM version) <REPORTS>
Sugiyama Seimin
PP. 68 - 69
PP. 70 -
Bibliography of Modem Greek Literature and Linguistics in Japanese (8) <REPORTS>
Sato Rieko Tachibana Takashi
PP. 71 - 73
Eine Betrachtung über die Parabel vom Schafhirten des Evangeliums nach Johannes <NOTES>
Takesima Toshiyuki
PP. 81 - 74
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