20 号
2014-08-31 発行
Print ISSN : 0915-7425
Online ISSN : 2759-6494
発行元 : 日本ギリシア語ギリシア
Temperament Theory in the Orient from the Point of View of Musical Theory in the Ancient Greece <Special Contribution>
片桐 功
PP. 1 - 14
Consideration of Characteristics of Modern Greek Popular Music : Musical Play, The Song of the Dead Brother, by Mikis Theodorakis <Note>
土居本 稔
PP. 15 - 29
G. Seferis translates "The Waste Land" of T. S. Eliot 1. The Burial of the Dead and 2.A Game of Chess <Note>
佐藤 りえこ
PP. 30 - 38
A Greek Translation of Kenzi Miyazawa's Yodaka no Hoshi <Note>
橘 孝司
PP. 39 - 52
The Aphrodisiac Rocket in the Classics <Essay>
水谷 智洋
PP. 53 - 63
Anti-Homeric Description Posture in Troilus and Cressida <Essay>
酒見 紀成
PP. 64 - 73
To take a lecture on Modern Greek at Hiroshima University in 2013-2014 <Report>
廣中 奈菜
PP. 74 - 75
Digenes Akrites: The Escorial Version (2) : The Lay of the Emir (cont.) and Akrites among the Raiders <Translation>
橘 孝司
PP. 90 - 76
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