Issue 10
Date of Issue:1998-12-31
current number
Print ISSN : 0915-7425
Online ISSN : 2759-6494
Publisher : 日本ギリシア語ギリシア
Altgriechisch für Anfänger <Introduction to the Greek Language><Ancient Greek>
Takesima Toshiyuki
PP. 1 - 6
Hidenaka TANAKA, Xenophon, Anabasis, Liber I, Tsunetaro NARUSE, Έλληνική γραμματική <Introduction to the Greek Language><Ancient Greek>
Mizutani Tomohiro
PP. 7 - 8
How to Learn Classical Greek <Introduction to the Greek Language><Ancient Greek>
Koura Toshio
PP. 9 - 11
Troilus : A Revival in the Medieval Period <Introduction to the Greek Language><Ancient Greek>
Sakemi Kisei
PP. 12 - 13
PP. 14 - 16
In the Beginning ... <Introduction to the Greek Language><Ancient Greek>
Yamagata Naoko
PP. 17 -
Michitaro TANAKA - Chiaki MATSUDAIRA, Introduction to Greek <Introduction to the Greek Language><Ancient Greek>
Matsukawa Yohei
PP. 18 -
Harukaze HURUKAWA, Ή έλληνcχή έν τέτταρσιν έβδομάσιν, Hideyo ARAKI, Express Ancient Greek, Kiyozo KAZAMA, A Primary Guide to Latin and Greek <Introduction to the Greek Language><Ancient Greek>
Iura Ichiro
PP. 19 - 21
Akira ODA, Μικρόν Ελληνο-Ιαπωνικόν Λεξικόν της Καινής Διαθήκης, Akira ODA, Γραμματική της Καινής Διαθήκης, Makoto NOGUCHI, A New Testament Greek Primer <Introduction to the Greek Language><New Testament Greek>
Sugiyama Seimin
PP. 22 - 26
Instrumenta Studiorum of Byzantine Vernacular Literature <Introduction to the Greek Language><Medieval Greek>
Tachibana Takashi
PP. 27 - 36
Εισαγωγή στα νεοελληνικά : Itaru SEKIMOTO, Modern Greek Grammar, Takuo KAWAHARA, Modern Greek-Japanese Dictionary <Introduction to the Greek Language><Modern Greek>
Ukida Saburo
PP. 37 - 38
Μιλάμε Ελληνικά μόνο με 250 λέξεις! : Να σας πω πώς κάναμε το βιβλίο μας <Introduction to the Greek Language><Modern Greek>
Murata Nanako
PP. 42 - 44
Το Εγχειρίδιο και η συνήθεια <Introduction to the Greek Language><Modern Greek>
Yamaguchi Yoshio
PP. 45 -
The Textbooks I learned Modern Greek by <Introduction to the Greek Language><Modern Greek>
Umemoto Junko
PP. 46 -
Πολυκατοικία and Μονοκατοικία <Introduction to the Greek Language><Modern Greek>
Ishihara Akio
PP. 47 - 49
Albert Thumb, Handbuch der neugriechischen Volkssprache, Louis Roussel, Grammaire Descriptive du Roméique Littéraire, ΚΕΜΕ, Νεοελληνική γραμματική <Introduction to the Greek Language><Modern Greek>
Yagihashi Masao
PP. 50 - 54
PP. 55 - 58
Greek Poetry : From Classical Antiquity to Seferis <COMMEMORATIVE LECTURE>
Shida Nobuo
PP. 59 - 75
Zu den Funktionen der Verbal phrasen mit Präposition ndə́/ndé im Arvanitischen (Nordostattikoböotischen) <ARTICLE>
Iura Ichiro
PP. 76 - 87
Πορεία ένός Έθνικοῦ Θεάτρου <NOTE>
Suzuki Atsuya
PP. 88 - 108
PP. 109 - 124
Bibliography of Modern Greek Literature and Linguistics in Japanese (7) <REPORT>
Sato Rieko Tachibana Takashi
PP. 125 - 129
Ακριτικό τραγούδι: Ο Υιος του Ανδρονίκου <TRANSLATIONS>
Tachibana Takashi
PP. 139 - 130
From Polybius' History <TRANSLATIONS>
Takesima Toshiyuki
PP. 155 - 140
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