7 号
2005-03-31 発行
ISSN : 1880-263X
発行元 : 広島大学文書館
Speech at the Opening of the Meeting (The Archives and its Influence on Science and Society; Records of the Symposium in Commemoration of the Foundation of the Hiroshima University Archives)
牟田 泰三
PP. 3 - 4
Speech (The Archives and its Influence on Science and Society; Records of the Symposium in Commemoration of the Foundation of the Hiroshima University Archives)
木田 宏
PP. 4 - 5
Aims of the Hiroshima University Archives (The Archives and its Influence on Science and Society; Records of the Symposium in Commemoration of the Foundation of the Hiroshima University Archives)
PP. 5 - 13
Archives as Countenance (The Archives and its Influence on Science and Society; Records of the Symposium in Commemoration of the Foundation of the Hiroshima University Archives)
大濱 徹也
PP. 14 - 28
The Present Condition and Future tasks of Personal Documents (The Archives and its Influence on Science and Society; Records of the Symposium in Commemoration of the Foundation of the Hiroshima University Archives)
伊藤 隆
PP. 28 - 41
Answering to Questions (The Archives and its Influence on Science and Society; Records of the Symposium in Commemoration of the Foundation of the Hiroshima University Archives)
小宮山 道夫 大濱 徹也 小池 聖一 伊藤 隆 木田 宏 檜山 洋子 大牟田 聡
PP. 41 - 51
Speech at the End of the Meeting (The Archives and its Influence on Science and Society; Records of the Symposium in Commemoration of the Foundation of the Hiroshima University Archives)
PP. 51 -
Manual of Care of Documents Belonging to Several Organization
PP. 61 - 76
Expanse of Activities According to University History
鈴木 秀幸
PP. 77 - 93
The Foundation of the Hiroshima University Archives and its Present
菅 真城
PP. 95 - 110