13 号
2011-03-31 発行
ISSN : 1880-263X
発行元 : 広島大学文書館
<Special topic: The Enforcement of The Public Records Management Act and the Hiroshima University Archives>
PP. 1 -
Historical offi cial documents and "Specifi c historical Offi cial documents" in The Public Records Management Act <Special topic: The Enforcement of The Public Records Management Act and the Hiroshima University Archives>
PP. 2 - 20
Measures for designation of "National Archives" at Hiroshima University Archives : Details of designation in cabinet order based on The Public Records Management Act, and the submitted documents <Special topic: The Enforcement of The Public Records Management Act and the Hiroshima University Archives>
村上 淳子
PP. 21 - 41
Administration of Corporate Documents and Management of the Web System for Document Administrating under The Public Records Management Act <Special topic: The Enforcement of The Public Records Management Act and the Hiroshima University Archives>
岡田 泰司
PP. 42 - 58
Study of the Launch of a National-wide Organization by the Studies for the Study of General Higher Education II : A feel through the all Japan Federation of study Groups on General Higher Education <Article>
志津木 敬
PP. 59 - 85
A Study of the Operation of the First Central Council for Education <Article>
PP. 86 - 103
A Study of the Expectation and the Demand when Student Takes Class of the History of Own University <Article>
PP. 104 - 124