広島大学保健学ジャーナル 6 巻 2 号
2007-09-28 発行


A study of ordinary people's willingness-to-pay for a disease management life-style change program
古井 祐司
田久 浩志
中野 真寿美
769 KB
疾病管理プログラム提供会社がevidenceに基づく生活習慣改善教育プログラムを一般住民に提供することを前提に仮想市場を想定し, プログラムの消費者の利用意向, 自発的支払意思額(Willingness to Pay:WTP)及び関連する要因を明らかにすることを目的に, 広島県等に在住する20歳以上の地域住民198人を対象に質問紙調査を行った. 結果, 68.7%がプログラムの利用意思を示し, WTPの最頻値は5,000円, 最高15,000円, 中央値3,500円で, WTPと購入割合との関係が示された. また, 利用意思には年齢, 居住形態, 職業が, WTPには個人の年収が高いこと及び家計のゆとりが影響し, 慢性疾患の有無は影響していなかった. 回答者は, プログラムについては医療機関やインターネット等で得ることのできない付帯価値をもつサービスと実生活にマッチしたもので, 講義形式やメール・インターネットよりも医療機関の指導との一貫性をもつ個別指導と実習を希望しており, 比較的安価な教材に購入意思を示した.
The purpose of this study was to elicit consumers' willingness to purchase an evidence-based educational program, their willingness to pay (=WTP), and other related factors using the contingent value method in which a Disease Management company provides the program to consumers in the community. A questionnaire was issued to 198 individuals, over 20 years of age, who lived in Hiroshima and other prefectures. The results indicated that 68.7% showed a willingness to purchase the program: the mode for WTP was 5,000 yen, the maximum was 15,000 yen and the median was 3,500 yen. The findings indicated a significant relationship between WTP and demand. The willingness to purchase the program also related to age, living arrangements, and occupation. However, WTP was related to the annual income and leeway of the household economy but not to the presence of a chronic disease. Respondents wanted the program to be matched with their daily life. They also thought services with additional values not accessible through medical institutions and the internet. They wanted individual guidance and training with consistent supervision from medical institutions. They were also interested in purchasing convenient educational materials at a reasonable price.
disease management
life-style change