Journal of health sciences, Hiroshima University
Volume 2
Issue 2
Date of Issue:2003-03-31
current number
ISSN : 1347-7323
Publisher : 広島大学保健学出版会
Ultrasonographic evaluation of leg muscle and fatty tissue thickness in postoperative patients with gastrointestinal disease
Ichihara Takako Nisiki Masayuki Tamura Ayako Morimoto Tadaoki Nishi Masaharu
PP. 12 - 21
Upper limb coordination differs among ages and between dominant and non-dominant hands utilizing digital trace test
Fujiwara Naoko Kushida Naoki Murakami Tsuneji Fujimoto Shin-ichi
PP. 22 - 28
Determination method of desk and table heights for disabled elderly
Hisano Shinya Shimizu Hajime
PP. 29 - 35
A study on the evaluation of the occupational health nurse's intervention for health promotion
Nishijima Mariko Konishi Michiko Onari Kiyoshi Wakitani Sayoko
PP. 36 - 45
The relation between subjective symptom and circulation during orthostatic stress using a tilt table
Hosokawa Keiko Sakaguchi Akihiro Sekikawa Kiyokazu Takahashi Makoto Kawaguchi Kotaro Onari Kiyoshi Kai Kenji Hiramatsu Kazuhisa Toyota Akihiro
PP. 46 - 52