広島大学保健学ジャーナル 2 巻 2 号
2003-03-31 発行


Ultrasonographic evaluation of leg muscle and fatty tissue thickness in postoperative patients with gastrointestinal disease
市原 多香子
西亀 正之
田村 綾子
森本 忠興
西 正晴
194 KB
In order to obtain basic data for use in postoperative nursing care intended to promote the recovery of patients after surgery, the authors examined postoperative changes in lower limb muscular tissue thickness and subcutaneous fat thickness by ultrasonography (7.5 MHz) in patients who underwent open surgery of the stomach or large intestine. The ultrasound probe was placed on the skin above the following muscles: quadriceps femoris, biceps femoris muscle, extensor digitorum longus, and soleus. Measurements were taken on 4 occasions: before surgery, and on the 1st, 10th and 20th day after postoperative mobilization. Of all patients who underwent open surgery of the stomach or large intestine, 16 patients were selected for analysis and ultrasonic measurements. Muscular tissue and subcutaneous fat thicknesses at each of the four sites of measurement were totaled to yield measures of total muscular tissue and total subcutaneous fat. Postoperative and preoperative parameters were then compared. The total lower limb muscular tissue thickness at each of the 4 postoperative measurement points was significantly less than the preoperative thickness, whereas the total lower limb subcutaneous fat thickness showed no significant decrease after surgery and remained almost unchanged from the preoperative value. Comparing patients undergoing different types of surgery, leg muscular tissue thickness showed a tendency to recover on the 10th and 20th day after surgery in the colorectal surgery group, while the gastric surgery group showed further decreases in this parameter on the 10th and 20th day, with no trend towards recovery evident over the timeframe investigated. These results suggest the necessity of active nursing intervention for patients after open gastric surgery.G2
下肢組織厚 ,超音波検査法
leg muscle thickness
open abdominal surgery