広島大学保健学ジャーナル Volume 13 Issue 1・2
published_at 2016-03-31

南太平洋諸島におけるヘルスツーリズムが精神的健康度におよぼす影響 <原著>

Mental Health Effects of Tourism in the South Pacific Islands
Furuyashiki Akemi
Teraoka Sachiko
Ishizaki Fumiko
Yabase Kohsuke
Okuyama Mayumi
Yamane Toyoko
Shimizu Masahiro
Ri Zeiei
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本研究は,8日間の南太平洋諸島への滞在中における,活動,交流,および調整された食事摂取などのライフスタイルの変化が,特に精神的健康度に及ぼす影響について検討することを目的とした. 自主的に参加した中高齢女性9人(66.9 ± 4.7歳)を対象に,質問紙を用いて,抑うつ傾向 (CES-D),気分プロフィール (POMS),個人空間の確保(プライベート空問機能尺度)について滞在初期および終期に調査を行い,滞在前と比較した. また,滞在時に毎日撮影した顔写真を用いた笑顔の表情分析 (FACS : Facial Action Coding System),さらに滞在時に経験した感情についての語りを内容分析した. その結果,滞在による身体への影響については,体重および腹囲の減少を認めた. 精神的健康への影響については,抑うつ傾向有りの者は,初期に増加したが,終期には皆無となり,POMSの「否定的気分」は初期から終期にかけて低下し,「肯定的気分」は初期に低下した後,終期に上昇した. 個人空間の確保については,「共布空間」と「自己開放」が終期に上昇した. 表情分析および内容分析については,「笑顔」および「肯定的感情」は滞在4日日に最高値となりその後低下し,「否定的感情」は滞在初日に強くその後消失したが,これらの変化は,CES-D や POMS の変化と同期していた. 以上の結果から,中高齢女性の南太平洋諸島への滞在によって,身体的健康度の改善に加えて精神的健康度の改善が示された.
The present study investigated the effects of tourism in the South Pacific Islands with a controlled life-style on the mental health status of elderly subjects. A questionnaire survey on mental health, expression analysis and content analysis of emotional experience were conducted on 9 healthy female subjects (mean age, 66.9 ± 4.7 years) during 8 days of tourism. Self-administered questionnaire surveys were conducted prior to, early and late in their stay regarding depressive tendencies (CES-D), mood profile (Profile of Mood States; POMS), and personal space acquisition (Personal Space Scale; PSS). Expression analysis of facial photographs with the Facial Action Coding System (F ACS), and content analysis of self-reported emotional experiences were also performed. Body weight and abdominal circumference were decreased in the stay. Depressive tendencies increased early in the stay but were absent late in the stay. The questionnaire surveys revealed that negative mood was high in the early part of the stay, but decreased late in the stay, while positive mood decreased early in the stay and increased late in the stay regarding the POMS sub-scales. Improved "common-space" and "self-liberation" were observed late in the stay on the PSS. Expression analysis and content analysis of emotional experience revealed that "smiles" and "positive emotions" increased from early in the stay, peaked on day 4, and afterwards gradually decreased. On the other hand, "negative emotions" were higher in the early stay, but afterwards decreased and later disappeared. These observed transitions during the course of the stay approximately synchronized with the questionnaire results, demonstrating an improvement in the mental health of elderly individuals during tourism in the South Pacific Islands.
Health tourism
Mental health status
Expression analysis
Copyright (c) 2016 広島大学保健学出版会