広島大学保健学ジャーナル 10 巻 2 号
2012-08-31 発行

腹膜透析治療を開始した患者の家族の透析治療への協力体制形成過程 <原著論文>

The process of forming a collaborative structure by families with patients starting peritoneal dialysis treatment
持田 耕平
青木 沙織
648 KB
The purposes of the study were to clarify the process of family collaborations in the therapy of a family member starting peritoneal dialysis treatment and to examine what factors influenced this process. A semi-structured interview was conducted with eleven family members who collaborated with the patients in terms of food preparation and the dialysis treatment. As a result, it was found that the process of becoming a collaborator comprised three stages: 1) undergoing a role transition to become a collaborator, 2) acquiring therapeutic techniques, and 3) adjusting to life changes and maintaining a continuous collaboration. The process of role-transformation was influenced by the presence of role conflicts and by whether the patient or the family was in charge of the treatment. Important influential factors were the environment, which facilitates knowledge-acquisition in family members during the first stage, and the guidance of nurses and the presence of advisors in the second stage. In the third stage, role sharing and power balance among the family members, and the stability of the patient's life and condition contributed to the resolution of role conflicts and facilitated adjustment to changes in their lives. Coping with anxiety and acquiring effective stress-buffering strategies to manage life with a peritoneal dialysis treatment were observed to be the factors that enabled the continuance of the collaboration.
peritoneal dialysis
process of acceptance
Copyright (c) 2012 広島大学保健学出版会