広島大学水畜産学部紀要 Volume 9 Issue 2
published_at 1971-03-20


遠藤 拓郎
3.7 MB


1) 一次生産を求めるための光合成量の測定は,現在,大体標準化されている常法により,光照射用タンクを用いる14C法を採用した.しかし,この方法では,海中懸濁物の多い沿岸水を対象とする場合,懸濁物によるβ線の吸収が測定誤差を生ずる懸念がある.まず,この点について吟味した結果,懸濁物量が0.34mg/100ml(現場透明度3.3m)以下では,自己吸収による誤差を無視することができ,したがって,内海では一部の特別な水域を除き,一般には試水100mlを用いて測定を行なっても支障のないことを確かめた.

2) タンク法による測定結果を基にして,瀬戸内海の一次生産量(P=mgC/m2/day)の算出を行なった.この算出に当っては,STEEMANN NIELSEN(1952)による次式を用いた.


3) 内海水域の光合成量は,外洋におけるよりも顕著な日変化を示すことが特徴の一つとして指摘される.日変化の巾は夏季に最も大きく,また,深度を増すにつれて小さくなる.




4) 内海の適当な横断線上の測点において,何回かにわたって行なった観測結果によると,クロロフィルa量は0.2~7.3mg/m3,光合成量は1.0~17.1mgC/m3/h,また,一次生産量は0.12~0.95gC/m2/dayと,ともに水域および季節によってかなりの相違があらわれた.しかし,これらの水平分布は,水温や塩素量などから識別される水塊の分布とは必ずしも一致せず,独自の分布型を示すことが多い.このことは,一面では内海における海況の複雑さを示すものとみられよう.

5) 内海の中央部分にある備後灘において,光合成量の季節変動を追跡した結果によると,その値は0.3~15.4mgC/m3/hの範囲で大きく変動し,平均値は3.9mgC/m3/hであった.光合成量の大きい時期は夏季を中心とする月(5月,6月,8月および9月)で,冬季間は光合成量が低値であった.




6) 一次生産の主体をなす植物プランクトンは,瀬戸内海では沿岸性の珪藻類が組成の中心をなし,卓越種(Skeletonema, Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira, Leptocylindrus属など)は,本邦沿岸で知られているものである.また,プランクトン量は,106~109cell/m3の範囲にあって,日本沿岸海域にみられるものと同程度であった.


7) 内海水域では一時的ではあるが,珪藻以外の種類が大増殖を呈する場合もしばしばある.植物プランクトンの現場の水域における増殖過程を解明する目的で,1965年9月に渦鞭毛藻類のExuviaella sp.が大増殖をし,赤潮状態を呈した機会をとらえ,連続した観測を実施した.細胞数の計数と,クロロフィルa量の定量とによって本種の増殖率を計算した結果では,最高増殖時の1日当りの平均増殖率は,両法ともに0.3程度であった.なお,この増殖率は細胞数が2倍になるのに約2.5日を要することとなる.


8) 現場における植物プランクトンの増殖を支配する要因の一つとして,栄養源を添加して,その効果を確かめた.日によって異なったが,窒素,珪素,微量金属およびビタミンでは光合成量が対照より増大した.したがって,内海においてはこれら栄養源が,植物プランクトンの増殖の際に制約因子として作用することがあるように思われる.


9) 瀬戸内海におけるクロロフィルa量は,0.2~7.3mg/m3,光合成量は0.30~18.3mgC/m3/hで,これまで断片的にしらべられている本邦周辺の他の海域と比べると,外洋域の黒潮水域や生産力の大きい親潮水域の値などより大きい.また,本邦沿岸海域では,場所によって違いが著しいが,一般に大きなクロロフィルa量および光合成量が得られており,内海の場合も,大体これら沿岸水域に近い値とみなすことができる.





10) 瀬戸内海における海藻類の一次生産については,明らかでないが,天然ワカメなど有用藻類の採取量は年平均3,500トン,養殖ノリの生産量は22,000トンで,両者を合わせた値はほぼ植物プランクトン生産量の約半日分に当たる.



11) 内海は他の内湾や沿岸海域と同様に,海中懸濁質が多く分布し,その量は植物プランクトン現存量の数倍ないし,それ以上見出されるのが常である.懸濁質の餌料効果と動物生産上に果たす役割の重要性についてはすでに指摘せられているところであるが,懸濁質有機物の起原については明らかでなく,植物プランクトン起原以外のものを重視する推測的な見方が強い.


また,植物プランクトンのextracellular productsやバクテリヤによる化学合成量は,それぞれ一次生産量の数%と推定され,これも量的には問題とならない.


12) 瀬戸内における魚類漁獲量は18万トンでその大部分は魚種からみて内海中で生産されたものと考えられ,この値は一次生産量の約1%に当たる.これをカロリーに換算して,エネルギーとしての移行の効率を求めると,漁獲量は一次生産量の0.7%となり,東京湾や諏訪湖における値と同程度で,かなり高い.

13) 内海における諸種の生産をみると,有機物の生産では植物プランクトンによる一次生産が量も大きく重要であり,これが諸動物生産の基盤となっている.また,漁業生産は他の内湾におけると同様に単位面積当りの漁獲量が多く,一次生産からの効率も高いといえよう.
The Seto Inland Sea is an important water area not only as a commercial fishing ground but also as a marine aquiculture ground. In this sea, the mechanism of organic production, as well as the ecosy-stem of inhabiting organisms, is complex owing to complicated hydrographic conditions and diversified fauna and flora. However, there is little doubt that almost all the animal production in this sea depends basically upon the primary production referable to marine plants.

This study aims at clarifying the actual state of primary production in this sea. It is principally concerned with the primary production by the phytoplankton with emphasis on its geographical and seasonal variations and on the description of phytoplankton populations.

1. Photosynthesis and its variation with time and space.
The photosynthetic rate of the natural population of phytoplankton (expressed as 'phytoplankton photosynthesis' or simply as 'photosynthesis' in the following) was measured by the usual method, namely the 14C method employing the incubation tank (illuminated at 12,000 lux). It was suspected that, when this method was applied to a coastal water, the suspended particles retained on a filter might absorb β radiation and cause an error in assaying the radioactivity of incubated phytoplankton. Tests were carried out by incubating 100ml of sea water and filtering it through the molecular filter of 24mm diameter, and it was proved that the above mentioned error is negligible at the concentrations of suspended matter less than 0.34 mg (dry weight)/100ml (which correspond to the Secchi disc transparencies of 3.3 m and over). This result indicated that incubating 100 ml of sample water is usually a justifiable procedure in this sea.

(1) Diurnal fluctuation.
(This subject has already been dealt with in a preceding paper58))
Phytoplankton photosynthesis demonstrated notable diurnal variations. Amplitude of the variation was great in summer (the maximum/minimum ratio being 3.0 to 13.6); it decreased vertically towards deeper layers. In contrast, diurnal variation of the chlorophyll αcontent of sea water was of much smaller magnitude.

Although many observational data in the past suggested that diurnal variation in phytoplankton photosynthesis was ascribable to the diurnal variation in the chlorophyll content of sea water, the foregoing result indicates that the diurnal rhythm of phytoplankton photosynthesis in the Seto Inland Sea was closely correlated with the 'photosynthetic rate per unit amount of chlorophyll α content' rather than with the chlorophyll α content itself.

(2) Geographical variation
(A part of this subject has been dealt with in a preceding paper56).)
Phytoplankton photosynthesis was measured several times at a series of fixed stations arranged on a line traversing the Seto Inland Sea, obtaining values ranging from 1.0 to 17.1 mgC/m3/hr; simultaneously measured chlorophyll α contents varied from 0.2 to 7.3 mg/m3. Both variables varied geographically and seasonally. In many cases their geographical variations followed their own peculiar patterns, rather than such patterns as were expected from the distribution of water temperature and chlorinity.

(3) Seasonal variation.
(This subject has already been dealt with in a preceding papers54).)
Seasonal variation of phytoplankton photosynthesis was studied by taking monthly measurements for a period of one year at a station located in Bingo-nada, a region which could be regarded as representative of the Seto Inland Sea. The measurements varied over a wide range of 0.3 to 15.4 mgC/m3/hr with the mean at 3.9 mgC/m3/hr. They were generally high during summer (in May, June, August and September) and low during winter.

Monthly measurements of chlorophyll α content varied between 0.2 and 2.4 mg/m3 with the mean at 1.0 mg/m3; highest values occurred in January and September.

Monthly values of photosynthesis per unit amount of chlorophyllαcontent tended to be greater at higher water temperatures.

2. Taxonomic composition and propagation rate of phytoplankton
(A part of this subject has been dealt with in a preceding paper55, 57).)
Neritic species of planktonic diatoms usually predominated in the phytoplankton which was the major primary producer in this sea. Dominant species were those which had been commonly found in the coastal waters of Japan. Population density and species composition of phytoplankton varied not only geographically but also, to a greater extent, seasonally. Population density ranged between 106 and 109 cells/m3.

It was a frequent occurrence that phytoplankters other than diatoms propagated rapidly to produce the 'red tide' temporarily. For example, a dinoflagellate, Exuvaella sp., propagated abundantly in September, 1965. On this occasion, field observation was carried out repeatedly and the average population growth rate at the peak of population level was estimated at about 0.3 fissions per day (i.e., population density doubles in about 2.5 days) from the results of cell count as well as from the chlorophyllαdata.

Experiments in which sea water was incubated after addition of various nutrients showed that nitrate-N, silicate-Si, trace metals and vitamins might act as a limiting factor for the propagation of phytoplankton in the Seto Inland Sea.

3. Assessment of primary production
Primary production by phytoplankton was computed from the photosynthesis data obtained by the tank method by use of Steemann Nielsen's equation (1952); necessary corrections were made regarding the depths of sampling layers and thickness of euphotic zone.

Monthly value of primary production thus computed for a representative station varied between 0.03 and 1.21 gC/m2/day during a year with the mean at 0.33 gC/m2/day; it was high in August and September when water temperature was high, and low in February when water temperature was low. Annual production at this station was assessed at 120 gC/m2/year. Primary production for the whole Seto Inland Sea was calculated at 6×103 ton C/day or 2×106 ton C/year; the latter figure is equivalent to 2 ×107 ton (wet weight) of phytoplankton per year.

The foregoing results indicate that in the Seto Inland Sea, as compared with the open ocean, the euphotic zone was endowed with very much higher chlorophyll α content and phytoplankton photosynthesis, but that the primary production per unit area was not much greater owing to lower transparency and smaller thickness of euphotic zone. This condition may be regarded as one of the chief characteristics of the primary production of this sea.

4. Primary and related productions in the Seto Inland Sea
Although the phytoplankton was the major concern in the foregoing, macroscopic marine plants also are primary producers in the Seto Inland Sea. Furthermore, this sea is rich in the suspended particulate matter, the standing crop of which often amounts to more than several times that of phytoplankton. One can not neglect the important role that the suspended matter plays in organic production, particularly in the production of filter-feeding animals. Organic productions referable to these factors was estimated from the data appearing in the literature, and their bearing on primary production was examined. Examination was also made of the correlation between primary production and commercial fish production.
Annual harvest of commercially valuable seaweeds (such as Undaria, culture laver Porphyra, etc.) from the Seto Inland Sea was found to be equivalent to one half of the average daily production of phytoplankton. Annual growth of other wild marine plants (such as Zostera, Ulva, etc.) was estimated at about 1.5% of the annual production of phytoplankton. It may be said from the above that macroscopic plants contributed only a small fraction to the primary production in this sea.

The suspended organic matter occurring in the Seto Inland Sea may be referable to two main sources: namely, (1) the primary production and (2) the organic matter of land origin that is carried into the sea by rivers. Annual supply of organic matter from the latter source was estimated at about 14% of the phytoplankton production. Suspended organic matter may originate also from the extracellular products of phytoplankton and from the bacterial chemosynthesis, but the supply from these sources can be regarded as negligible in amount. It is therefore concluded that the main portion of the suspended organic matter occurring in this sea originated, either directly or indirectly, from the primary production by phytoplankton.

The total catch of those fishes whose growth was judged as having taken place in the Seto Inland Sea was estimated at 1.8×104 tons per year, which corresponded roughly to 1 % of the annual phytoplankton production on wet weight basis. When computed in terms of energy, the above mentioned fish catch represented 0.70 % of the primary production by phytoplankton. This value, although considerably high, is comparable with the values reported for Tokyo Bay and Lake Suwa.