広島大学水畜産学部紀要 Volume 17 Issue 2
published_at 1978-12-25

Studies on Bovine Ketosis Associated with Magnesium Metabolism

Yoshida Shigeru
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乳牛のケトージスの原因や発生機序には不明な点が多いが,御幸牧場の乳牛群がMg欠乏の状態にあること及び糖の嫌気的及び好気的代謝においてMgが重要な働きをしている事に注目しケトージスと糖及びMg代謝の関係を検討した。すなわち,(1)ケトージスにおいてはα-ケトグルタール酸からサクシニルCoAへのTCAサイクルにおける酸化的脱炭酸反応の代謝障害が生じてサクシニルCoAが減少すると,(2)アセト錯酸からアセトアセチルCoAへの反応はサクシニルCoAの存在とこの反応に関与する酵素が必須であるので,サクシニルCoAの減少はアセト酷酸すなわちケトン体の蓄積をもたらせることになる。とくに反応(1)にはTDP, Lipoate, CoA, NAD, FADと共にMgが必要であり反応(2)の酵素3-Ketoacid transferaseは筋肉中にのみ存在することが知られているのでケトン体の消費は筋肉内においてのみ行なわれることになる。すなわちケトージスは筋肉内におけるTDP, Lipoate, CoA又はMgのいずれかの不足により酸化的脱炭酸反応の阻害とそれにひきつづいてケトン体の蓄積が生じることになる。

Low serum magnesium due to a shortage of magnesium in the diet was detected in a herd of dairy cattle. Serum biochemical values were obtained from these cows from 1970 to 1971. Fifteen of twenty lactating dairy cows became ketotic in August, 1971, accompanied by dramatic changes in the blood serum. Blood serum magnesium contents were within the limits of 1.50 to 1.88 meq/litter, during the whole year, fairly low compared to the normal ranges of 1.8 to 2.2 meq/liter. Blood serum calcium, inorganic phosphorus, and transaminase activity values fell suddenly, and then most of the cows were diagnosed as being ketotic accompanied by clinical symptoms and elevated acetone excretion in urine.

This bovine ketosis was diagnosed as caused by:
(1) disturbances in the oxidative decarboxylation reaction from α-ketoglutarate to succinyl-CoA, (accumulation of α-ketoglutarate and depression of succinyl-CoA)
(2) the shortage of succinyl-CoA brought on the accumulation of acetoacetate and another ketone bodies.

Oxidative decarboxylation reactions from pyruvate to acetyl-CoA and fromα-keto-glutarate to succinyl-CoA could be suppressed by a deficiency in one of the co-factors such as Thiamine diphosphate, Lipoate, Coenzyme A, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, Flavin adenine dinucleotide, and Magnesium ion.

The mass outbreak of bovine ketosis in a certain dairy farm must be caused by the disturbances of magnesium metabolism or by the shortage of magnesium intake in the rations.