Chu-in High Priest Meizan (中院僧正明算, 1021~1106) was a priest of the buddhism --singonsyu kouya-san (真言宗高野山)-- at the latter term of the Heian era, and it was a person who had political ability. Moreover, he is a founder of the Chu-in sect (中院流).
The material of his own handwriting has been left in the Koya-san (高野山) Ryuko-in temple (龍光院). Then, there are a Myohourengekyo sutra and Daibirusyanakyo sutra.
In this thesis, the Daibirusyanakyo sutra of the Ryuko-in temple owning was compared with the Japanese reading word of the Kongochoyugakyo sutra of the Kouzan-ji temple owning. When the expressions of the end of sentence were compared, it was understood that there was no difference in two material.