35 巻
2 号
2011-11-30 発行
ISSN : 0386-2704
発行元 : 広島大学経済学会
Political Economy of the 'Mobility Revolution' and the 'Hidden Slum' Phenomena of Urban Area in China : A Case Study in Shanghai <Articles>
陳 雲 森田 憲
PP. 1 - 36
Making Promotion Rules and Supervisors' Preferences <Articles>
鵜野 好文 井上 正
PP. 153 - 179
Yun Chen and Ken Morita, Political Economy of Systemic Transition and Development in China: Challenge towards a Modern Nation, Tokyo, Taga Shuppan, 2010. <Book Review>
箱木 眞澄
PP. 181 - 183