29 巻
1 号
2005-07-25 発行
ISSN : 0386-2704
発行元 : 広島大学経済学会
On the fiscal sustainability and its indicators : Covergence vs. explosion
菅 壽一
PP. 1 - 23
The origin of bank note and credit creation
PP. 25 - 38
Reallocation of roles between the national and local governments in the welfare and social security system, while securing revenue sources of local governments
鵜田 晋幸
PP. 39 - 78
The consideration about changes of organization capability, and the techniques of restructuring
菊地 彰
PP. 79 - 103
Documents of land policy in war-time Japan, 1937-1945 (7)
PP. 105 - 134