廣島大學地學研究報告 4 号
1954-05-25 発行


Geology and Ore-deposit of the Sazare Mining District, Ehime Prefecture (Preliminary Report)
竹田 英夫
4.61 MB
The Sazare mining district lies in the Sambagawa crystalline schist region in Central Shikoku, and belongs to one of the spotted schist zones. As the north and south sides of this district are cut by the Yakushitô -Akaboshiyama thrust and the Shimomyô-Tsuneyama fault, it forms a wedge, separated from the Bessi-Shirataki and Shingu mining districts.
The spotted schists are composed of black-schists of argillaceous rock origin, sandstone schists of arenaceous rock origin, piedmontite-quartz-schists green-schists and amphidole-schists, accompanied by serpentinite.
The ore-deposit of Sazare Mine is a so-called "bedded cupriferous pyritic deposit of Bessi-type" or "Kieslager", and consists of four ore-bodies; Kinsha, Sazare, Kinritsu and Kinsen.
They are found along "Hinouti" shear zone, and the elongation of them generally coincides # with the "Hinouti" -lineation, which is parallel to a-axis and converges to the down-dip direction. These properties may' represent the results of thrusting-foremovement along the "Hinouti' shear zone.
The country rock, spotted albite-chlorite-epidote-amphibole-schist, is characterized by chloritization and epidotization along the "Hinouti" shear zone.