3 号
1953-11-20 発行
ISSN : 0073-2303
発行元 : 広島大学理学部地学教室
On the Izumi Group of the Central Part of the Sanuki Mountain-Range, Japan
中野 光雄
PP. 1 - 13
Geology and Scheelite Deposit in the Environs of Kuwane-mura, Kuga-gun, Yamaguchi-prefecture Japan
柏木 日出治
PP. 15 - 23
Some problems on the Tertiary formation in Shimane prefecture.
吉田 博直
PP. 25 - 31
Geology of the Sangun metamorphic groups in the Tokuyama district, Yamaguchi Prefecture.
岡村 義彦
PP. 33 - 42
On the Geology and Ore-deposit of the Tsuboi Mining District, with Special Reference to the Crystalline Schists and the Morphology of Ore-deposit.
光野 千春
PP. 43 - 59
On the Granitic rocks in Chugoku, and the molybdenite and wolframite deposits in them
木野崎 吉郎
PP. 61 - 74