廣島大學地學研究報告 4 号
1954-05-25 発行


Geological Features of Yamaguchi-shi and its Vicinity
吉野 言生
4.22 MB
Crystalline schists of the Sangun-Motoyama Group outcrop in this area. They are composed of black-schists, sandstone-schists, and siliceous-schists, derived from argillaceous, arenaceous, and quartzose sediments respectively, and green-schists.
The north of this area is occupied by non-metamorphic. Palaeozoic formations, composed of sandstone, shale, chert and limestone.
The non-metamorphic group is in contact with the metamorphic group in the relation of overthust (Saigatao-overthrust), the former being the block thrust over the latter from the north.
These older formations are intruded by the later acidic igneous intrusives.