Annual Review of Hiroshima Society for Science of Arts
Issue 23
Date of Issue:2010-07-23
current number
ISSN : 0914-9872
Publisher : Hiroshima Society for Science of Arts
Suggestions toward Illogical Foundation of Category Discourse in Japanese Aesthetic Thought <Articles>
Hamashita Masahiro
PP. 1 - 14
Against the Middle Way: William Blake's Illustration to Dante's Inferno, Canto 2 <Articles>
Pyle Eric Allan
PP. 15 - 27
On the painting of Niga-Byakudo-zu, owned by Hirano Museum of Art <Articles>
Takamura Keiko
PP. 29 - 45
Garden City Movement in modern England : Garden City and Garden Suburb in London and the Suburbs <Research Reports>
Oshima Hazuki
PP. 47 - 57
Representation of ZAINICHI-Korean on Japanese TV drama <Research Reports>
Lee Kenji
PP. 59 - 73
Contemporary Music Festival in East Asia 2009 in Hiroshima <Special Report>
Notohara Yumi
PP. 75 - 79