29 号
2016-07-15 発行
ISSN : 0914-9872
発行元 : 広島芸術学会
Pseudo-classicism on Fujiwara no Tameie and Sustainability of Medieval Waka Poetry <Articles>
土田 耕督
PP. 1 - 16
The "On" of Samurai in Taiheiki <Articles>
于 君
PP. 17 - 30
Nostalgia: From the Perspectives of "Memories of Life" and the "Irreversibility of Time" <Research Report>
沼田 有史
PP. 31 - 43
An Explication about the Yugen in Classical Chinese Literatures <Research Reports>
鄭 子路
PP. 45 - 58
Rediscovery of the Attraction of The Enkobashi-Bridge: A Report of Action for the Restoration of The Enkobashi-Bridge <Special Research Report>
大橋 啓一
PP. 59 - 68