CICE叢書4 Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Educational Development Report of the International Experience Sharing Seminar(2) : Actual Status and Issues of Teacher Professional Development 4 巻 2 号
2011-03 発行

Training High Qualified Teachers in Vietnam : Challenges and Policy Issues

Thanh Nguyen Chi
312 KB
In this paper we introduce first some characteristics of the educational system in Vietnam nowadays. We focus on the models of training teachers at different universities of education in Vietnam in general and the one in our university in particular. We then identify the features which differentiate our model of training, a training of high qualified teachers, with other models in the country. Our university, the University of Education, is experimenting with two new procedures of educating secondary school teachers: “3 plus 1"' and “4 plus 1". The “3 plus 1" procedure is designed for students who for the first three years follow basic study units at either the University of Natural Sciences or the University of Social Sciences and Humanities which all belong to the VNU, and who for the last year are provided with pedagogical knowledge, skills and teaching practice at the University of Education, VNU. The “4 plus 1" procedure is for B.A./B.Sc holders registered with the University of Education for one year to be offered pedagogical knowledge and practice teaching skills. This model represents both advantages and disadvantages which will be discussed . Some challenges of this model will be also mentioned.
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