CICE叢書4 Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Educational Development Report of the International Experience Sharing Seminar(2) : Actual Status and Issues of Teacher Professional Development 4 巻 2 号
2011-03 発行

Perspectives of Professional Development for Primary School Teachers in Madagascar.

Razafimbelo Célestin
276 KB
The inventory of fixtures about the professional development of teachers will be dealt with in a few pages. A historical glance will enlighten the current context of the job of a teacher and her/his development. Then, the lined perspectives and the opportunities offered by the EFA plan will be discussed. We are talking about perspectives because it is a project, actually launched but suspended. Finally, we will see the issues around its implementation and the question which arises due to the democratic break and the crisis that follows. As the Malagasy educational system is largely inclined to be a French system, the same organisation of teacher training is found in Madagascar. It is after the year 1972 that this choice was questioned: the nation wanted to decolonize, democratize and malgachize the educational system. Nowadays, the main concern has changed; the school has developed in its size, mission and needs. The in-service training is unavoidable to make up for the lack of teachers due to the swelling of the school students using the perspective drafted.
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