Memoirs of the Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University. VI, Studies in health and physical education
Volume 6
Date of Issue:1988
current number
ISSN : 02893002
Publisher : 広島大学総合科学部
Power Spectral Analysis in the Hierarchy (SHU-HA-RI) of 'MA'
Choshi Koji Fujii Mari
PP. 1 - 16
The relationship between exercise intensity, muscle pain and fatigue, and serum CPK activity in long distance runners.
Niihata Shigemitsu Miyahara Mitsuo Ueda Kazuhiro
PP. 17 - 23
Static Model of Modified Pull-up
Usui Sachio Sakurai Kayo
PP. 25 - 32
A study on the automated 16mm motion analysis system for three dimensional cinematography
Hashihara Yoshiihro Komura Takashi Miyahara Mitsuo
PP. 33 - 41
Accidents among primary school children (On the relation between the occurrence of dislocations and sprains, and several etiological factors)
Ishigure Kiyoshi
PP. 43 - 51
The characteristics of elaborative coding for a serial motor task in basketball
Hashimoto Akihiro Choshi Koji Kitamura Seiji
PP. 53 - 71