広島大学文学部紀要 54 巻
1994-12-20 発行


Karṇakagomin's Ṭīkā on Pramāṇavārttika, Chapter I (1)
桂 紹隆
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This is the first attempt to put into a modern language Karṇakagomin's commentary on Dharmakīrti's Pramāṇavārttika-svavṛtti. As is well known, his commentary closely follows Śākyabuddhi's commentary on the same text, so that we should compare the two texts carefully to understand and correct the texts. The following is the synopsis of the portion of the text translated in this paper:

0.1.-0.3. The Introductory verses
1.0. Introduction to the Mangala Verse, PV I.1.
1.1. Samantabhadra=Buddha
1.1.1. svāthasampatti=kāyataraya
1.1.2. parārthasampatti
1.1.3. parārthasampattyupāya=dharmadeśanā
1.1.4. 'namaḥ'
1.2. Samantabhadra=Bodhisattva
2.0. Introduction to the Introductory Verse, PV I.2.
2.1. Four Defects of the Listners.
2.1.1. 'prāyaḥ'='most'
2.1.2. kuprajñatva
2.1.3. ajñatva
2.1.4. anarthitva & amādhyasthya
2.1.5. 'prāyaḥ'='mostly'
2.1.6. 'īrṣyā'
2.1.7. 'paropakāra'
2.1.8. The Reason for Writing PV
2.2. The Preferable Interpretation of the Verse
2.2.1. 'prāyaḥ'='mostly', 'prākṛtasakti'
2.2.2. The Reason for 'prākṛtasakti'
2.2.3. The Characterization of Dignāga
2.2.4. 'paropakāra'
2.2.5. 'cintā' and 'karuṇā'
2.2.6. The True Reason for Writing PV