広島大学文学部紀要 54 巻
1994-12-20 発行

Vākyapadīya II 研究(1)

549 KB
This paper consists of a Japanese translation of Bhartṛhari's Vākyapadīya (VP) chapter II (Vākyakāṇḍa) and that of Puṇyarāja's commentary on it called the Ṭīkā, and my own brief notes.

The basic priciple of Bhartṛhari's thought of language is that the sentence (vākya), which is single (eka) and indivisible (akhaṇḍa), is the primary linguistic fact. And its meaning is pratibhā.

His linguistic thought has great influence upon not only vaiyākaraṇa but also many scholars of the other schools in Indian Philosophy.

The following is a synopsis of the portions of the VP translated in this paper.

0. Introduction to VP II.

1-2.1. Introduction to kk.1-2

[kk.1-2] ④ākhyātaśabdaḥ ⑥saṁghāto ①jātiḥ saṁghātavartinī /

②eko 'navayavaḥ śabdaḥ ⑤kramo ③buddhyanusaṁhṛtiḥ // 1 //

⑦padam ādyaṁ ⑧pṛthak sarvaṁ padaṁ sāpekṣam ity api /

vākyaṁ prati matir bhinnā bahudhā nyāyadarśinām // 2 //

[Enumeration of eight views (①-⑧) on a sentence]

1-2.1 Classification of these views to akhaṇḍapakṣa (①②③) and khaṇḍapakṣa (④⑤⑥⑦⑧) on the basis of the two ways of interpretation of padaprakṛtiḥ saṁhitā" (Ṛgprātiśākhya 2.1)

1-2.2 Pointing out the following kārikā in which each view is discussed.

1-2.2.1 ④ākhyāta (k.327)

1-2.2.2 ⑥saṁghāta (k.41-48)

1-2.2.3 akhaṇḍapakṣa (①②③) (kk.7-14, kk.19-27)

1- Classification of sphoṭa.

1-2.2.4. ⑤krama (kk.49-53)

1-2.2.5 ⑦ādyaṁ padam, (k.47), ⑧pṛthak sarvaṁ padaṁ sākāṅkṣam (k.48)

1-2.3.1 (a) śāstrīyalakṣaṇa (Vārttika 9 and 10 on P 2.1.1)

1-2.3.2 (b) laukikalakṣaṇa (Mīmāṁsāsūtra 2.1.46) (a) and (b) share ⑥saṁghātapakṣa.

1-2.4 End of pointing out.