58 巻
1998-12-25 発行
ISSN : 0437-5564
発行元 : 広島大学文学部
The study of Chinese language in Wu Jing Zheng Yi 《五経正義》 III
PP. 1 - 20
The fair way of fighting in competitive society : Analysis of fine ethical fairness
近藤 良樹
PP. 40 - 58
Reproductive technologies and ethics : Evalution of the Warnock Comittie Report
PP. 59 - 77
《文选》李善注考 : 与《后汉书》李贤注之比较
PP. 82 - 101
PP. 155 - 176
Reading Slaughterhouse-Five as "an anti-war work" in the 1960s
PP. 177 - 196
Montaigne, regard vers le haut, regard vers le bas (3)
PP. 217 - 235