広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 43 号
1995-03-10 発行

現代体育教授学の構想と展望(IV) : 身体運動に対する内的「指向性」と外的「促し」

Imagination and Trend on Physical Education Didactics (4) : Espesially on Subjective Aim and Environmental Stimulation to Human Sports and Exercise
松岡 重信
李 捷
1.11 MB
Structural changes of international political and economical relation in Japan bring about our life style changes, like as five day working week and too late marriged age in ladies, too small size population in new baby born. And this changes whould effect the Japanese school systems in near feature.

And human sports and exersice in our life will become more and more important aspect for health keeping, life presure, and community activities and so on.

However the main role of school subject of health and physical education in high school will reform from making physical fitness and attitude or manner of corporative playing, working with other peoples, to keeping the playing and sports under the life-time sports as the spirit of time. And the school role will change in quality, and wil be unclear and change useless activities, therefore we discuss the problems of role of health and physical education in high school.

We must discuss the sports and human exercise in school and community from the view points of some pair concepts, body vs mind, nature vs culture, children vs adults, developping contries vs rich contries, man vs woman, with new systmic theory and new soft system theory.