広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 Issue 43
published_at 1995-03-10

児童日本語研究学の構築に向けて(2) : 児童日本語シラバス開発

In Pursuit of Japanese Language Pedagogics at Elementary School Level (2) : Development of the Japanese Language Syllabus for Foreign Children
Nuibe Yoshinori
554 KB
The present article aims to propose the BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills) Japanese Syllabus for foreign children.

This syllabus includes 620 basic words (except particles, auxiliary verbs and other function words) needed to survive at elementary schools, not words connected with content-area language study. It will help them acquire interpersonal skills.

The composition of the syllabus is based on Hallidays seven linguistic functions of children's performance and Maslow's basic needs theory of human motivation. I integrated them into the affective syllabus which has five categories: 1. physical comfort, 2. safety, 3. interaction, 4. acceptance, 5. development of capabilities. The BICS syllabus comprises all the categories except the fifth one.