広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 40 号
1992-03-30 発行

アメリカの算数教育における「見積り」指導 : その現状と基本的な考え方について

Teaching and Learning "Estimation" in USA Mathematics Education : The Present State of Affairs and Fundamental Conception
606 KB
The emphasis of the teaching and learning estimation (TLE) in mathematics education is a recent common feature to Japan and USA. The purpose of this paper is to make clear the present state of TLE in USA and its fundamental conception.

By analysing four mathematics textbook series published before the "STANDARDS" (1989), all of them deal with estimation in relation to measurement, computation, and problem solving. Therefore, the intention of emphasising TLE in the "STANDARDS" is not to introduce estimation as a new topic into mathematics curriculum but to improve TLE. It is the fundamental conception of TLE to develop the individual student's estimation mind-set.