広島大学教育学部紀要. 第二部 40 号
1992-03-30 発行

The Browning Versionに見る教師の転換点

The Turning Points in the Career of a Schoolmaster as Seen in The Browning Version
中村 愛人
591 KB
The Browning Version is a one-actor and one of the masterpieces of Terence Rattigan, where the tragic figure of a schoolmaster Andrew Crocker-Harris is convincingly presented. Tragic because his life as a schoolmaster is an utter failure in spite of his early hope and enthusiasm, and his efforts. He is also tragic as a husbasnd with all his good intentions. Hence the aim of this essay, that is, to discuss how and why he fails as a schoolmaster though he started his career as a shoolmaster with hope and enthusiasm,and made effort in his own way. It is also our aim here to examine whether it has anything to do with his unsuccessful marriage.

A comparison is made, when necessary, between Andrew Crocker-Harris and Chips in Good-bye, Mr. Chips by James Hilton to help forward our discussion.